

Twitter mod

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 Aero Twitter 3.5

  • Android: Android 9+
  • Architecture: Supports all architects.
  • The base version of Twitter has been updated to 9.95.0-release.0 (29950000)
  • [Improved] Some code errors and design flaws have been fixed.
  • [Improved] For those curious, links to Nullptr's Blog/Github profile/Github profile have been added to the About page.

Features of Aero Twitter:

  1. Privacy and Safety: Aero Twitter prioritizes your privacy by removing tracking and device analysis features. Your information is not stored on their servers, and Twitter’s security measures ensure your safety while using the app.
  2. Free Usage: Aero Twitter is and always will be free to use. The app’s only source of income is through internet advertisements, ensuring you can enjoy its features without any cost.
  3. Profile Customization: Build your profile by adding a photo, description, location, and background photo. Customize your profile to reflect your personality and interests.
  4. Optimized Posting: Optimize your posting times to maximize your reach and engagement. Tweet often and incorporate visual content to make your tweets more appealing.
  5. Expanded Language Support: Aero Twitter has added or updated several languages, including Turkish, Arabic, German, Greek, French, Italian, Russian, and Swedish, allowing users from diverse backgrounds to enjoy the app in their preferred language.
  6. Color Customization: Enjoy a wide range of color options to personalize your Aero Twitter experience. Choose from a list of colors, including Original Color, BlueGold, Red, Extra Dark, Coral Pink, Green, Light Tone, Light Purple, Light Pink, and Gold, among others.

Let’s Impress You A Little More.

  • You can hide what you see fleets! Fleet owners will never know that you are viewed their fleet.
  • You can remove images and text of boring banners / events in the explore tab.
  • You can hide typing animation! The people you are chatting to will never know if you are typing a message.
  • You can hide what you read the messages! The people you are chatting to will not know if their messages have been read, but you can know if the messages you’ve sent have been read.


  1. Exclusive Features: Aero Twitter introduces exclusive features such as the option to remove fake blue ticks, change fab style, enable/disable view counts in Tweets, and provide a guide button for other developer options. These additions enhance user customization and control over their Twitter experience.
  2. Enhanced Privacy: Aero Twitter prioritizes user privacy by removing tracking and device analysis features. This ensures that no information about you is stored on their servers, and Twitter’s security measures guarantee your safety while using the app.
  3. Customization Options: Aero Twitter allows you to personalize your profile by adding a photo, description, location, and background photo. With a range of colors to choose from, including the newly added designs, you can create a unique and visually appealing profile.
  4. Ad Blocker: The improved ads/promoted blocker in Aero Twitter enhances the user experience by reducing the intrusion of advertisements in your feed.
  5. Language Support: Aero Twitter expands its language support to include Turkish, Arabic, German, Greek, French, Italian, Russian, and Swedish, catering to a broader user base.
Package 1

You have to remove the Original Twitter application from your device to install this package.

AeroWitter V3.5 - UNClone

Package 2

You don't need to remove the Original Twitter application from your device to install this package.

AeroWitter V3.5 - Clone